Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How The Life Insurance Company Calculates The Cost Of Your Policy

Many people are pleasantly surprised by how affordable term life insurance can be. In fact, some people even question if their coverage is truly of value. Rest assured: if you buy the right kind of term coverage, your policy is not only of value; it's of excellent value. It gives you peace of mind, it gives your family financial protection in the event of your death...and, at the same, time, the insurance company has calculated the cost of your policy so they have the ability to provide the payout on your policy if you die but also the ability to make a profit at their business. They leave it to their actuaries to calculate the right rate for your policy.
Actuaries are experts in the science of statistics and probability. They study the statistics regarding the death rates of people whose profile closely matches yours. Then they essentially gamble that you will outlive the time limit, or term, of your policy.
This is the best kind of gambling there is: somebody bets you'll live longer than an insurance policy. In supporting their bet, you also get something priceless: peace of mind, knowing that you've done something so important, so right, for your family.
Remarkable peace of mind. Outstanding affordability. What's more, term life insurance is simple to buy. First, visit an online insurance broker. Compare rates from the best companies in the business. It's fast and free to "shop around." Pick the policy that fits your needs and budget. Then answer a few simple questions. If you qualify, and most people do, you can usually pay for your policy online according to the rate that the life insurance company actuary has determined is fair for your age and other factors. Then, after making your purchase, you can download and print a hardcopy to file with your vital household documents.
That's all you need to do. And what you don't need to do is get a medical examination. That's right, no medical exam. No doctor's appointment. No lab tests. No waiting for results. No need to request medical records. No delays in getting the coverage your family needs. No hassles. No problems. No worries.

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