Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can Someone Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On You Without Your Knowledge?

It's straight out of a crime novel: the idea of someone taking out a life insurance policy on you without your knowledge. In fact, it is a crime. But a relatively rare one, thanks to the security and safeguards of the insurance industry,
The insurance industry wants everyone to have a life insurance policy. Why? Because that's how they succeed in their business, of course. But there's also another reason...an important reason: the industry truly believes that every individual has the right, if not the responsibility, to own a life insurance policy that protects the financial future of his or her loved ones.
The payout of your policy upon your death can replace the income needed for a variety of vital expenses: the mortgage payments on your family home...the college education fund you established for your children...the day-to-day living expenses of your family...even your medical and funeral expenses, which become the responsibility of your family upon your death.
So how do you go about buying a life insurance policy for yourself and name your loved ones as the beneficiary? It's a very simple process. Just go online to compare rates. Don't worry. An insurance agent can get on the phone with you to help you if needed.
Pick a policy that fits your budget. Fill out a short application with a few simple questions. Then you can usually pay for your policy right online. In many cases, you can even download and print a hardcopy to file with your most important household records.
So what prevents someone from pretending they're you? Even though the application includes only a few questions and each is simple, only you know the answers. In addition, of course, your payment goes through a verification process.
So you can rest assured that you are getting the coverage you need...that your loved ones get the financial protection as you intend...and that you get the protection of a safe, secure, and easy transaction.

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