Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Benefits of Long Term Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance can come with a hefty price tag, leaving many people who uninsured because they think that this is the only option of safety. In fact, there are two basic types of life safety which is permanent life safety, which is very much like an investment combined with life safety and term insurance, which is the type where you can choose the coverage amount as short or long term life insurance, and its policy length. While by description alone you might think an investment plus life safety may appear the better and most beneficial of the two, there are, nevertheless many advantages to term life safety.
To start off with the price, permanent life insurance is more expensive because of the part where investment is concerned, which absence in the term life safety makes it more reasonable. The policies under the permanent life insurance can cost up to thousands of dollars a year, and that is at the best scenario that you are a healthy person. On the other hand, term life safety policies can cost only a few hundreds of dollars a year.
Apart from that, the money that you have earned can be invested on your own with your own control instead of letting your insurance company take control over it. Insurance companies tend to take the more conservative strategies to invest your money, so the profits they earn for you will be only that much. However, if you are very good in investments, or saving money, for the matter of fact, the additional money that you use in permanent safety is really unnecessary, and can be used for your own investment of methods of saving instead.
Another advantage is that if you are not looking for a long term life insurance, you can always go short term. As you can set the duration of your active policy to suit your needs, you are able to make different plans that will last the term. For example, you may want to cover your children's college tuition fees, so you can actually buy a policy that will expire after they have completed their education and is independent enough to start making a living, so if anything happens to you, their education and living expenses will be covered for.
In conclusion, if you are someone with good control over your money, are investment savvy, and have made thorough planning with how having term life insurance can be useful for a period of time, this insurance might just be right for you.

Affordable Term Life Insurance - 3 Secrets to Finding It

Affordable term life insurance is becoming a more and more popular way to protect your loved ones should anything happen to you. While you're covered by the term of the policy (which will vary according to your needs), you'll have the peace of mind that your mortgage will be paid and your family will be provided for. Despite the undeniable importance of life insurance, we could still all use ways to cut down on the cost of our premium. Here are three must-know secret tactics for reducing the cost of your coverage.
1) Look After Your Health
Taking care of your health is the best way to get affordable term life insurance. It isn't necessarily easy, and you may have to make changes to your lifestyle, but it really is the biggest factor in getting yourself inexpensive term life insurance. Something like giving up smoking could end up saving you a massive amount of money! Although we don't like to think about it, insurance companies will give cheaper rates to those who are less likely to die within the term.
If you're going to get the best rates then you'll need to be put into the "preferred status" category. The people in that category are ones who pass their medical exam and have really good health records. This means you should give up smoking, watch your weight and exercise regularly. Unfortunately, they will also look at your family history which you can't really do anything to change.
2) Your Driving Record and Finances
Although your health is the most important factor, the insurance company will use a few other ways of judging your character, notably your driving record and financial history. Keeping both of these records clean will help to show something more about your character. Everything you can do will help get you one step closer to getting affordable life insurance.
3) Go Online To Buy Your Insurance
Getting certain aspects of your health on track will take a while, but something that's far quicker is to go to the internet to find your affordable term life insurance deals. The reason why you'll generally find the most affordable term life deals over the internet is due to the fact that insurance companies can keep their expenses down. Simply get checking a comparison website to find deals quickly and easily.

How Expensive Is High Risk Life Insurance?

High risk life insurance is an insurance product especially designed for people who have dangerous jobs, like plane pilots, sea divers or car racers, or for people who are affected by health conditions that can be fatal to them, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
When you want to purchase life insurance, the insurance company always takes into account the degree of risk of you dying shortly or unexpectedly. If you are performing a high risk job or you are suffering of a lethal condition, your insurance premium is sure going to be higher. Insurance companies call the policies of such people "impaired risk" ones. They are more expensive than those for people who only have a standard risk associated.
Because the progress of modern medicine has made possible to cure certain disease which were considered lethal and to increase life duration in terminally ill people, insurance companies have worked on their offer concerning high risk life insurance and have come up on the market with well thought products. Insurance companies use statistics on mortality which date back in the 70s. Things have changed a lot since then and certain companies have begun to use "clinical medical underwriting" in order to adapt their high risk life insurance policies to the needs of the insured ones.
Using this fairly new concept is helping insurance companies to develop insurance products that also take into consideration that people thought to be high risk can benefit of modern treatments to cure or to live longer. Insurance companies also take into account that in modern society people can adopt lifestyles that will decrease their level of risk.
However, even though high risk life insurance can be purchased, the money that the survivors are going to receive is less than in other types of insurance. Sometimes they will only get the amount of money that was paid as premium until death occurred. This is especially true in case the policy owner actually dies because of the illness that put him or her into this category. These insurance policies usually limit the death benefit to the value of the premium already paid for 5 years.
Those who already own a life insurance policy at the moment when they become high risk persons are more likely to get better insurance rates than those who weren't insured. If you are having a normal life insurance policy now and you are not a high risk person, you will be able to increase your coverage level without also increasing your premium value if your policy includes a "guaranteed insurability rider".,

Types Of Life Insurance Policies

Future is unpredictable. Calamity may strike a person anytime. Life insurance extends coverage to a person's family in his absence. There are various types of life insurance and one can choose a policy that will meet his requirements. If a person is not insured, he is living on the edge and needs to take charge of his life. It renders protection to his family and also allows him to make investments. According to the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Industry, statistics of 2009 reflected strong performance. Life insurance premiums increased 1.6 percent to exceed $15.1 billion. The analysts predict that the number will significantly increase in the year 2010.
There are different types of life insurance policies to choose from. One can take help of an insurance carrier who can guide and suggest the life insurance policy that would be the best. Some of the types of policies are as follows-
* Whole life: This type offers coverage for the whole life and not just for a limited period. The insurance carriers use a portion of the money they receive from premiums as investment. And the premium amount remains at a level throughout. It extends cash value as well as death benefit for the entire term of the policy.
* Universal life: This type comes with cash value account and death benefit. It also offers flexibility as far as making payment for premium is concerned. Cash value is held in the general portfolio of the insurance company. In this type of life insurance, the premium guidelines are broad. Change in the premium amount will affect growth of cash value and death benefit.
* Term life: Coverage in this type is bought for a specific price for a particular period. After the death of the insured, the beneficiary will receive the death benefit. It extends death benefit only for a specified period. If the insured doesn't die within the term of the policy, he gets nothing in return.
* Variable life: This type offers various types of investment options. These are usually referred to as sub accounts. It comes with cash value account and one is allowed to make a decision as to how the cash value account should be invested. One is required to make payments for premiums that are annually fixed. It may extend minimum death benefit that is guaranteed,,

Can You Get Elderly Life Insurance?

Health insurance has always been a hot topic for people all over the country. The health reform and the constantly increasing price of prescribed pills are having an impact on the budget of almost all families. Under these circumstances, health insurance becomes compulsory. Unfortunately, there have been cases when the insurance companies cut you off from your health insurance plan when they consider you are likely to become ill and to make a claim. Senior citizens are the ones that are most threaten by this perspective. Their health condition is assuming going to degrade in time and they can be affected by illness at any point. They wouldn't like to be left uncovered by health insurance in such hard moments. A safe way to eliminate this worry is to purchase a elderly life insurance policy.
If this is a new concept to you, here are a few details about it. There is a main difference between your current health insurance plan and elderly life insurance. The last one is not covering for illness, prescription drugs, hospitalization or other health related aspects. What it actually does is to provide a death benefit to your survivors. Life insurance is best to be acquired when you are still young, so that you get to increase the value of the death benefit by paying premiums for a longer while.
Even though you have reached an older age and you haven't purchased elderly life insurance yet, you can still do it. You don't have to worry over the fact that the insurance companies won't allow you to buy life insurance, but because there is a high risk that you don't get to pay your policy until you pass away, you might expect high premiums. However, no insurance company has the right to refuse selling life insurance to you only because you are a senior citizen. There is no point in acquiring whole insurance because you won't make enough payments so that you can build cash value.
You have to determine the value you want your policy to have before you buy elderly life insurance. Take into consideration factors like your age, your health condition and your income. If you still earn a salary, you can calculate the value of your policy so that it equals the amount of money that you would earn in about 7 years. If you are retired, add up the living expenses of your survivors for 10 years and the result should be the value of your policy. If you find it difficult to decide on your own, ask for the help of an insurance agent or representative.

The Benefits of Over 50 Life Insurance

Senior citizens are respected in their communities because they approach the end of their lives and they deserve to be protected and well taken care of until this happens. Unfortunately, social security, pensions and other death benefits are not at all providing enough money to their survivors in order to ensure their financial security. They have to deal with unpaid debts and with taxes, so things can be pretty difficult for them. Life insurance can make a great difference in such cases.
If you are a senior citizen and you want to buy over 50 life insurance, some companies will ask you to have your health examined. This is not a golden rule, but the health exam is almost compulsory in all insurance companies if you want to purchase whole insurance. For other insurance types, the health exam might not exist.
Having a over 50 life insurance policy will provide financial safety for your family after you are no longer with them. They will have to support the burial costs, to pay debts and taxes. In the absence of insurance, all these costs can be overwhelming for your family members.
Over 50 life insurance is an insurance product especially developed for older people. They are designed to meet the needs of persons aged 50 or more. Not all insurance companies sell senior insurance, but those that do, have it available both in form of term and whole insurance. Some insurance companies also add a benefit called final expense insurance. This means that your survivors will also have the costs of the funeral covered by the insurer.
If you have over 50 years old, but you are in a good health condition and you are willing to prove this for the insurance company by taking a medical exam, you will most likely get a better rate for over 50 life insurance. However, certain companies don't ask for the health exam and only put you some questions regarding your condition. Other companies also skip the questions and simply establish a higher premium and a lower coverage for the senior citizens.
Senior citizens can also opt for guaranteed acceptance life insurance. It is an insurance type that covers you for the rest of your life and you don't have to pass any medical exam for getting it. It implies the fact that if you die in an accident sooner than two years after buying it, your survivors will get full death benefit. However, if you die sooner than two years out of natural causes, they will only get a limited amount of money that equals the premiums you have paid so far.

The Easiest, Fastest Way To Compare Life Insurance Rates

There are several ways you can compare life insurance rates. You can meet with insurance brokers or representatives from each company you are considering. You can call each company and talk with a representative on the phone. You can request that information packets be sent via mail. Or you can use the easiest, fastest way: visit an online insurance broker and get a free quote instantly.
Simply go to an online broker. Specify the type of coverage you need. Then request a quote. Review your options, then select the policy that fits your budget. Complete a brief questionnaire with a few simple, basic questions about you: your age and other details. You'll learn virtually immediately if your application is accepted. Then you can usually pay for your policy right then and there online...and download and print a copy to file with your vital household documents.
No worries. If you have any questions while you're online, a licensed insurance agent can usually help you right over the phone. It's that easy...that fast...and very important. Why? Because life insurance provides a replacement for your income upon your death. Think of the important things you depend on your income for: your mortgage payments, car payments, credit card payments, day-to-day cost of living...your children's college education fund...even your medical and funeral expenses, which become your family's responsibility upon your death.
Think of it: some families lose a leader of the household and, shortly after, the house itself, the lifestyle, even the dream of your children's education and future. It's a harsh reality for those who haven't made the proper plans.
Don't let this happen to your family. Take the necessary steps. Buy life insurence today. You'll gain guaranteed protection for your family's future. You'll also get something priceless...something immediate...something that will help you sleep better starting tonight: peace of mind. The peace of mind that comes only from the knowledge that you've done something vitally important for your family's long-term comfort and well-being.

Finding Good Universal Life Insurance Policy Quotes

Let us look at what a universal life insurance policy means before proceeding any further. This is a kind of insurance that provide lifetime protection, wherein the policy holder can make an adjustment between premiums and investment if desired. In other words, flexible premium adjustable life coverage.
A kind of insurance that has a type of permanent policy where in it is designed to last as long as you pay your premium, which guarantees a lifetime protection. This kind of policy that assumes interest rates and the cost of insurance which comes up with projected premium and as policyholder you can change the amounts of death benefit as well as the premium and cash amount which goes to your cash value.
You can also build up cash value where in money can be taken from it and applied towards the premiums and take note, when interest rates grow or good, as well the face value can be lowered and the more money will be place into the cash value. Remember that the interest earned on this universal insurance policy is based on the earnings of the insurance company and there will be an adjustment monthly.
Insurance companies have different rates as well as benefits and calculate the value differently but the interest earned is tax deferred. Universal life coverage is usually less costly than other coverage options such as whole life, but still with permanent form of coverage and with cash value. It has two components, the savings and premiums.
In getting universal life insurance policy quotes it is best to review your various kinds of insurance you had such as home, car and try to see if they offer universal life insurance policy. It is more sensible to shop on the insurance company where you have your car and home insured. In there you are familiar on their term and conditions and for sure they will entertain you with great services since you were their old customer.
Then from there, you can shop around or shop online through the internet. There are many insurance companies that have their own websites in the net where you can ask for universal life insurance policy quotes and take note that is free. You can ask quotes easy, faster and in convenient way where you own the time and days.
But before shopping for a policy, try to do some research regarding universal life insurance policy to get a better idea. At least get 3 to 5 insurance companies of your choice where you ask your quotes. Be sure that the insurance company you choose are reliable and have good reputation and financially stable.
There are many resources where you can get universal life insurance quotes either online or not. The reason you ask for quotes it's because you want to compare from several insurers and be aware that universal life insurance policy have many hidden fees and cost. So make sure to have a good understanding on this kind of life insurance, the universal. Choose an A rated insurance company as possible so you will have peace of mind.

Life Insurance - Who Needs It

The topic of life insurance is often treated like tax returns by many people. Nobody wants to deal with it, but it has to be done. This is probably because insurance agents have such sterling reputations and nobody really likes talking about the brass knuckles issue of when they or a loved one are likely to die. This is a mistake, so let's get with it and look at who needs this type of coverage.
You are probably expecting me to say "everybody!" Nope. The truth is people who do not have others depending on them do not need life insurance. It is somewhat akin to having car insurance, but not owning a car. What is the point? If you are happily single without children, who exactly would you be buying life insurance for? You might do it as a charitable action, but that would be about it as far as I can see.
So, who does need it then? The obvious answer is the bread winner in a marriage, particularly one where there are children. If the bread winner were to die today, how would the family pay their bills? Most would suffer badly. Life insurance is used to pay a lump sum benefit that acts as a replacement for the lost income so the family isn't left out on the street.
Ah, but what about a stay at home spouse? They are becoming rarer these days as the value of the dollar drops and both parents have to work to meet the bills, but humor me here. A stay at home spouse, often the mother, doesn't bring income into the family. As a result, there is no need to insure her, right? Wrong! Consider all the tasks she does during the day. What is the value of those? The surviving spouse would be unable to do them. Instead, help would have to be hired to take care of the kids. That costs money and life insurance can pay for it.
Who needs life insurance? The answer is simple - anyone that has people depending on them.

The Correct Life Insurance Plan in Your Case and Your Family

With regards to term life insurance, insurance firms acquire lots of things into account whenever identifying a life insurance policy rates. A life insurance policy companies are able to incentive anyone internet marketing a small danger.
To make factors less difficult insurance providers detest having to lose money, just as anyone. If you actually prove to them that you'll be a risky proposition personal exactly where most likely they'll have to start losing money, they'll punish anyone with costs through the roof.
It is crucial if you're searching to get the most affordable insurance coverage rates likely that you understand what sort of aspects the insurer providers take a look at while determining your current premiums.
Using tobacco
Cigarettes is by far one of the most important factors that will insurance firms will appear on. Approximately the no smoking aficionado are going to pay nearly 60% much less intended for insurance coverage than the usual smoke enthusiast will probably. If you opt to quit smoking it will require between 1-5 numerous years of staying smokeless prior to will discover virtually any decrease in your lifetime insurance rates.
Well being would be the future largest component that is considered any time calculating yourself insurance charges. If you're heavy, fat, get high blood pressure levels, reduced blood pressure levels, high cholesterol levels or other main health issue your current costs is going upwards. For the reason that most of these circumstances will frequently lead to various other severe ailments that makes that you and the higher for your insurance carrier.
Driving Record
Insurance providers will most likely take a look at your own driving record to discover exactly what the new driver you happen to be. Should you be anyone who has a new cause ft. and possesses received a lot of exceeding the speed limit seats or maybe come in many auto accidents you will discover that your prices will go upward a fair little.
Genealogy and family history
That unfortunately can be quite a problem that you can't assist, however the insurance carrier will also look into ones recipient's medical history and if these people realize that your family has a good reputation for strokes, diabetes, shots or any other main condition they will up your prices since you are definitely more of an possibility for them.
These are the 4 significant variables in which insurers will look at while deciding your current prices, just how much that the rates increases and also the specifications for each and every of these elements varies greatly based on the insurance carrier.
In order to get the very best protection for the most inexpensive price it is important that you try anyone preparation and also look around to all in the primary term life insurance vendors. This tends to easily be completed on the web with the use of on-line insurance coverage broker agents. These types of stockbrokers can provide a free of charge price on the leading insurance providers, and can help to save you as much as 40% on the insurance rates

Can Someone Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On You Without Your Knowledge?

It's straight out of a crime novel: the idea of someone taking out a life insurance policy on you without your knowledge. In fact, it is a crime. But a relatively rare one, thanks to the security and safeguards of the insurance industry,
The insurance industry wants everyone to have a life insurance policy. Why? Because that's how they succeed in their business, of course. But there's also another reason...an important reason: the industry truly believes that every individual has the right, if not the responsibility, to own a life insurance policy that protects the financial future of his or her loved ones.
The payout of your policy upon your death can replace the income needed for a variety of vital expenses: the mortgage payments on your family home...the college education fund you established for your children...the day-to-day living expenses of your family...even your medical and funeral expenses, which become the responsibility of your family upon your death.
So how do you go about buying a life insurance policy for yourself and name your loved ones as the beneficiary? It's a very simple process. Just go online to compare rates. Don't worry. An insurance agent can get on the phone with you to help you if needed.
Pick a policy that fits your budget. Fill out a short application with a few simple questions. Then you can usually pay for your policy right online. In many cases, you can even download and print a hardcopy to file with your most important household records.
So what prevents someone from pretending they're you? Even though the application includes only a few questions and each is simple, only you know the answers. In addition, of course, your payment goes through a verification process.
So you can rest assured that you are getting the coverage you need...that your loved ones get the financial protection as you intend...and that you get the protection of a safe, secure, and easy transaction.

How The Life Insurance Company Calculates The Cost Of Your Policy

Many people are pleasantly surprised by how affordable term life insurance can be. In fact, some people even question if their coverage is truly of value. Rest assured: if you buy the right kind of term coverage, your policy is not only of value; it's of excellent value. It gives you peace of mind, it gives your family financial protection in the event of your death...and, at the same, time, the insurance company has calculated the cost of your policy so they have the ability to provide the payout on your policy if you die but also the ability to make a profit at their business. They leave it to their actuaries to calculate the right rate for your policy.
Actuaries are experts in the science of statistics and probability. They study the statistics regarding the death rates of people whose profile closely matches yours. Then they essentially gamble that you will outlive the time limit, or term, of your policy.
This is the best kind of gambling there is: somebody bets you'll live longer than an insurance policy. In supporting their bet, you also get something priceless: peace of mind, knowing that you've done something so important, so right, for your family.
Remarkable peace of mind. Outstanding affordability. What's more, term life insurance is simple to buy. First, visit an online insurance broker. Compare rates from the best companies in the business. It's fast and free to "shop around." Pick the policy that fits your needs and budget. Then answer a few simple questions. If you qualify, and most people do, you can usually pay for your policy online according to the rate that the life insurance company actuary has determined is fair for your age and other factors. Then, after making your purchase, you can download and print a hardcopy to file with your vital household documents.
That's all you need to do. And what you don't need to do is get a medical examination. That's right, no medical exam. No doctor's appointment. No lab tests. No waiting for results. No need to request medical records. No delays in getting the coverage your family needs. No hassles. No problems. No worries.

Do Your Beneficiaries Have To Pay Taxes On The Payout From Your Life Insurance Policy?

You buy life insurance because you want to do the right thing: protect your family's future financial stability by making sure there is a ready replacement for your income in the event of your death. But you also want to do the right thing and make sure you don't leave your beneficiaries with a heavy tax burden, right? Don't worry: in most cases, the proceeds of your insurance benefit are not taxable.
Life insurance benefits are generally outside of your estate and therefore exempt from inheritance as well as estate transfer taxes. Even with a whole life policy, which is often purchased as part of an investment strategy, the cash value grows without being taxed until you withdraw it. (For that reason, many people who buy a whole life policy wait until they retire, when they move into a lower tax bracket, to withdraw the value.)
The tax-exempt status is just one of the financial advantages of life insurance. Another advantage: some forms of insurance, such as term coverage, are extremely affordable. In fact, you may be able to get a high-quality term policy for a very low cost...even potentially as low as the cost of a cup of cappuccino per day. (And the peace of mind that comes from having insurance is a lot better for your health than the cappuccino is.)
Term life insurance, in particular, is not only affordable but also very easy to get. You can compare rates online...complete a simple application that contains just a few general health-related questions...even make your purchase then download a copy of your policy for your household records. All within minutes. And in most cases, all without a medical examination.
That's right: you can get life insurance with no medical exam. That means no doctor's appointment, no lab tests. That saves time, saves money, and saves you from the hassles and worries of a long application process followed by a long wait for results.